Dimension 1: Prevent, Interrupt, and Solve Crime

CS360 recognizes that the primary function of law enforcement agencies is to promote and ensure community safety. Preventing, disrupting, and solving crime remains a core function of LEAs. Within the CS360 framework, the priorities, and methods used to achieve these goals is developed with considerable input from community stakeholders.


Page Navigation Instructions

The following tables provide readers with information on indicators and measures that comprise CS360. To view the full description of each measure, hover over the text with the mouse (desktop) or tap the text (mobile and tablet devices). Located at the bottom of each table, the box allows navigation (with arrows and numbered sections) to view all the indicators and measures for a certain goal.

Selecting Indicators and Measures

Under the CS360 model, agencies should select and collect regular data on at least one measure per goal. To ensure that the indicators and measures comprehensively reflect priorities, agencies should seek input from diverse stakeholders including community members. It is also important to select measures that are evidence-informed, reflective of diverse data sources, and inclusive of both outputs and outcomes.

Goal 1. Prevent Crime

Indicators: Crime Rates, Environmental Factors, Patrol-Oriented Prevention, Specialized Measures by Crime Type,

Goal 2. Interrupt Crime

List of indicators: Active Crime Reports, Diversions, and Enforcement Activities.

Goal 3. Solve Crime

List of indicators: Crime Clearances and Follow-up.

Goal 4. Implement and Assess Promising and Evidence-based Practices

List of indicators: Domestic Violence Interventions, Focused Deterrence Strategies, Gang Suppression, Hotspot Policing Tactics, and Neighborhood Outreach.