CS360 Process and Implementation

Problem-solving occurs at every step of the CS360 process. A key component of problem-solving within the CS360 model is that external stakeholders from the community and local government are also involved in the process. Data analysis is emphasized to ensure that the impact of problem-solving efforts to address public safety issues are reviewed and adjusted as needed. This includes the external stakeholders bringing their data around the public safety issue to the police department to create a co-production of public safety. This problem-solving collaboration and data sharing allows for solutions to the public safety priority to go beyond measures that are only conducted by the police department.

For examples of metrics that can be collected from the police department and external stakeholders to aid in data-sharing, click here.


CS360 Process

CS360 Process

Scan Data

The scanning process involves interviewing various stakeholders, internal and external to the department, to assess their perspectives on various topics. Common themes to ask about in these scanning interviews are public safety concerns, relationships between the police department and community, data that they have that might be useful to the department, and areas that need improvement. NPI can assist with the scanning process as part of the project work.

Prioritize Problem

The department should assign a group to address the findings from the scanning process. This group can be comprised of only members of the department or could also include key stakeholders in the community and government. This group will analyze the findings and public safety priorities. The findings then need to be prioritized to determine an area to establish a Problem-Solving Team (PST) around. NPI can provide guidance and resources such as the community map and the public safety priority worksheet to work through the problem prioritization.

Conduct Problem-Solving

Once a public safety issue has been prioritized, a problem-solving team (PST) can be assembled to address the issue. The members of this PST should have a vested interest in the agreed upon issue area. It is important for this group to be comprised of internal and external stakeholders. NPI can provide workshops and training to this group to explain the problem-solving process and the purpose of the PST. The PST will develop solutions to attempt to address the problem. These solutions can be community driven/owned rather than only being the responsibility of the police department.

Review Lessons Learned/Adapt Responses

As the PST develops solutions to the problem area, the solution(s) will need to be assessed to determine if they are effective. The PST should identify metrics from the police department and the community to measure that will determine the success of the intervention. Examples of metrics can be found here. If the implemented solutions are not effective or successful, the PST can go back and adjust the response or brainstorm alternative solutions.

CS360 Stakeholders

The CS360 model encourages the formation of problem-solving teams (PSTs) comprised of members of the police department and external stakeholders in the community and local government. For larger departments, it could be beneficial to create an Advisory Team (AT) to oversee the efforts of the PSTs and provide them with any needed guidance and resources. While the CS360 model calls these groups the Advisory Team (AT) and Problem-Solving Team (PST) you can change these names to represent your department and community most accurately. Below is an example of stakeholders that should be included in both teams.

Attendees CS360 Advisory Team CS360 Problem-Solving Team
Department Police Executive

Command Staff

Mid-level Supervisor


Mid-Level Supervisor


Relevant Patrol (e.g., traffic or sex assault investigator)

Other Law Enforcement Neighboring Agencies

US Attorney

Relevant Agencies (EMS, Probation and Parole, etc.)
Government Stakeholders Mayor's Office

City Council

Public Health

Relevant individuals from stakeholder groups with a vested interest
Community Representatives from key stakeholder groups Representatives from relevant community groups and individuals